29 veterinary medical graduates are inducted into Unilorin.


29 veterinary medical graduates are inducted into Unilorin.In the 2021–2022 academic year, 29 graduates of the University of Ilorin's (Unilorin) Faculty of Veterinary Medicine were produced and inducted.

The Vice Chancellor of the University of Ilorin, Prof. Wahab Egbewole, warned the graduates not to let Nigeria down in their practice.

He emphasized how important it is that the recently admitted veterinarians exercise compassion in their work.

As a result of working with subjects, objects, and patients that are incapable of complaining, you have an obligation to show compassion.

"You should act in a way that will make your patient feel comfortable. Remember that you will answer to your creator if you are careless," he remarked.

Egbewole encouraged them to work toward reaching their potential and mentioned that the university had provided them with the innate fundamental skills.

Along with advising them to embrace technology to improve their careers, he cautioned them against abusing the chances that have been provided to them.

According to the vice chancellor, the new veterinary doctors should be paid more for their labors by society and parents.

The dean of Unilorin's faculty of veterinary medicine, Prof. Oyebisi Azeez, had earlier stated that the ceremony signaled the start of a journey that would carry enormous responsibility and much greater reward.

Veterinarians, according to Azeez, have a special position in society because we look out for the health and welfare of all animals, no matter how big or tiny.

"We stand up for the relationship that people have with their cherished pets. As environmental stewards, we promote the well-being of both domestic and wild animals.

She maintains that being a veterinarian entails more than merely diagnosing conditions, writing prescriptions, and doing operations.

According to her, it's important to comprehend the complex relationships that exist between people, animals, and the environment.

It's about giving those who are unable to speak for themselves a voice, consoling the hurting, and offering hope to the hopeless.

"As aspiring veterinarians, you have the ability to truly impact the world.

"You have the power to protect public health, alleviate suffering, and advance animal welfare. Numerous creatures, big and little, will benefit from your knowledge and experience, she remarked.

Azeez noted that the graduates' chosen route might not always be simple and that this enormous authority carries with it a great deal of responsibility.

It will require commitment, empathy, and a tenacious quest for information. You'll deal with difficult issues and see inspiring triumphs. You're going to be veterinary medicine instructors, activists, and leaders, she vowed.

During his keynote speech, Dr. Tunde Ifemade of Animal Care Service Konsult counseled the graduates to take a few lessons from Agbato's life that would help them in their chosen vocations.

"From Healing Heaves to Healthy Harvests: The Inspiring Journey to Tunde Agbato, Veterinarian Extraordinaire" was the title of his speech.

He advised the graduates to go steadily forward in their careers and to make an effort to change the world wherever they are.

Therefore, Ifemade exhorted them to pursue achievement via perseverance and hard effort.

According to AIG Aishatu Abubakar-Baju, President of the Veterinary Council of Nigeria, the organization commemorated its 70th anniversary last week.

Prof. Mathew Adamu, speaking on behalf of Abubakar-Baju, clarified that the council was one of the first regulatory organizations in Nigeria and was in charge of policing the teaching and practice of veterinary medicine there.

She also exhorted the graduates to lead by example and serve as excellent representatives of their field.

The president of the Nigeria Veterinary Medical Association (NVMA), Dr. Olutoyin Adetuberu, declared that veterinary medicine is a noble profession and that it is not like any other.

"You are the public health specialist at the front line. Diseases have animal origins in 70% of cases.

"You are the one stopping those diseases in their tracks, and they are zoonotic." You are shielding it from people.

Therefore, wherever you go, you should be respected because you have a unique career. "Handle yourself with honor," he said.

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