According to WHO data, Nigeria has the highest out-of-pocket spending in West Africa.

According to WHO data, Nigeria has the highest out-of-pocket spending in West Africa.
Nigeria has the greatest out-of-pocket medical expenses in West Africa, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

Nigeria's out-of-pocket spending as a percentage of total health spending was 74.7% in 2020.

At a retreat for state health commissioners from 36 states in Nigeria, Dr. Walter Kazadi Mulombo, the WHO representative for that nation, expressed sorrow that more Nigerians are becoming impoverished as a result of their health issues and that many of them lack access to the basic medical care they require.

Mulombo also voiced concern over the rise in non-communicable diseases, pointing out that this trend is made worse by the high prevalence of communicable diseases and frequent outbreaks.

"This really means turning the focus from abstract ideas to concrete steps that lead to increased resilience in the health sector—even during emergencies.

"It is expected of you now more than ever to keep PHC high on the agenda of your governments and ensure priority investment in its development, as leaders of the health sector very close to the people."

Aware of Nigeria's political economy, Mulombo tasked the commissioners with pointing out how special their position is "in steering your states towards the right direction in line with Federal Government policies and agenda despite the prevailing challenges based on your state specific contexts."

In a letter of goodwill, Ronnak Khan, the deputy representative of UNICEF (United Nations Education and Children's Fund) in Nigeria, stated that efficient cooperation and coordination between the federal and state levels are necessary for Nigeria to successfully and long-term manage its numerous health system issues.

Khan expressed optimism that the health sector would improve with a new government in office.

"According to the Coordinating Minister of Health and Social Welfare and other health commissioners, there appears to be a distinct chance for creativity and effectiveness in addressing the numerous obstacles confronting the healthcare industry under the new regime," the speaker said.

Dr. Kayode Fayemi, a former chairman of the Nigeria Governors' Forum (NGF), encouraged the Nigerian Dental and Medical Registration Council (NDMRC) to revoke the licenses of young healthcare professionals until they have served the nation for three to five years.

The keynote speaker, Fayemi, suggested that the NDMRC make use of the National Health Service program to make sure that newly licensed and educated health personnel serve the nation before sending their services abroad.

This will allow them to dedicate a specific amount of time—at least three or five years—to their work.

As you are doing that, the Nigerian Dental and Medical Registration Council, which granted you the license, is holding your license. You can then choose to leave or remain after you're finished.

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