Don't fail our country, CDS orders soldiers.

Don't fail our country, CDS orders soldiers.
General Christopher Musa, the Chief of Defense Staff (CDS), has urged Nigerian Army (NA) commanders and soldiers to continue their nation's efforts to combat new security threats across the nation. During a visit to Army Headquarters on Monday, November 6, 2023, the Defense Chief took the helm after receiving a briefing on the operational engagements of troops in various theaters of operations across the nation at the Army Headquarters Operations Centre.

After reviewing a thorough operations brief, Gen. Musa made additional remarks in which he thanked the troops, Field Commanders, Principal Staff Officers, and Chief of Army Staff Lieutenant General Taoreed Lagbaja for their commitment and sacrifice. He also stated that military service is a selfless service to humanity and that it is required by law to support civil authorities.

To hasten the return of peace and stability to the nation, the CDS cautioned Commanders at all levels to manage the activities of their respective commands with professionalism, commitment, and focus. He tasked them with setting an example, mentoring the junior Nigerian Army leaders, and offering results-oriented leadership.

In order to reduce security risks, General Musa asked the NA's soldiers to maintain their resiliency and to make sure that their missions were conducted with unity and interagency coordination. He gave the troops the assurance that President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, the Commander in Chief of the Nigerian Armed Forces, will assist them. Since taking office, the President's interventions in the Nigerian Armed Forces have been much welcomed by him.

"We have a mission ahead of us, and we cannot afford to fail our nation. The President and the country as a whole support us," the Defense Chief summarized. He directed the troops to carefully abide by the standards of conduct governing the forces' roles during polls and to assist the lead agency in the upcoming elections.

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