Twenty former protestors become engineers for airplane maintenance.

Twenty former protestors become engineers for airplane maintenance.
At least twenty of the seventy-five former agitators who were trained under the Presidential Amnesty Program (PAP) Aviation Resuscitation Program have completed the program.

During the graduation ceremony in Lagos, Major General Barry Ndiomu (Rtd), the Interim Administrator of the Presidential Amnesty Programme (PAP), said that his administration's various initiatives aimed at improving the lives of youth are "critical to the supply of manpower globally in strategic industries and trade sectors."

Ndiomu, who was accompanied by PAP Wilfred Musa, Head of Reintegration, recalled that his administration chose to support the Aviation Resuscitation Program when it resumed office more than a year ago because of the many opportunities in the aviation sector and its importance in developing sufficient human capacity.

He affirmed the program's global applicability, saying: "By the time you all land jobs in the aviation sector, locally or globally, you will have access to strong knowledge, earn a respectable income, and join a global network that will enable you to improve your families, communities, and eventually the Niger Delta."

Although aviation training can be highly costly, he pointed out that no sum of money is too small to be invested in a Niger Deltan's capacity development.

The CEO of Leadstream Aviation Training Limited, Engr. Roland Ahmed, gave a brief speech in which he complimented the Presidential Amnesty Office for persevering with the Aviation delegates. He continued by saying that as a result of this investment, PAP has developed into a vital strategic provider of labor to the fastest-growing worldwide industry.

He disclosed that during a 12-month on-the-job training (OJT) period, the recently trained aircraft maintenance engineers will receive a suitable license and be type-rated. The PAP has provided complete funding for the experience of on-the-job training (OJT).

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