At an AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) awareness walk on Friday in Abuja, Ogah made this revelation, stating that the intervention is the least the Representatives can do for the HIV community.
He stated that the Act forbids companies, individuals, or organizations from mandating HIV testing as a requirement for employment or access to services. It also makes it unlawful to discriminate against persons based on their HIV status.
"We pledge to Nigerians and the global society, in particular the HIV/AIDS community, that we would do everything in our power to combat the damaging stigma and discrimination that prevent individuals from reaching their full potential.
"We will do every effort to guarantee the full implementation of the HIV/AIDS anti-discrimination Act 2014, which prohibits discrimination against individuals on the basis of their HIV status in the workplace and while granting them access to services.
Ogar went on to say that the ATM committee members were fully committed to enacting progressive laws that would help Nigerians.
The legislative agenda aims to establish the necessary operational framework for accomplishing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of eliminating tuberculosis and AIDS by 2030.
The WAD is a global event that provides a chance for people all over the world to get together and show support for those who are living with HIV and AIDS, according to Dr. Echey Ijezie, the Country Program Director of AHF.
According to Ijezie, the day is also meant to honor those who have lost their lives to the illness and to call for more efforts to stop the spread of infection.
"We are taking this chance to implore world leaders to prioritize HIV on the health agenda, make sure that resources are available, allow communities to take the lead, and never forget that the fight is far from over."
AHF Abuja State Clinical Coordinator Mr. Egeonu Benedict also spoke, emphasizing that the foundation's mission was to provide cutting-edge treatment to anybody living with HIV/AIDS, regardless of their financial situation.
Ensuring that individuals living with HIV and AIDS survive and thrive in an enabling environment is one of the most important things we undertake.
"In AHF, we maintain that the fight is not over and that our goal is to completely eradicate HIV in Nigeria by 2030, adhering to the United Nations 95-95-95 strategy goals that guarantee treatment for all infected individuals."
The annual World AIDS Day (WAD) on December 1st highlights the continued need for public awareness of the AIDS pandemic brought on by the spread of HIV infection.
"Let Community Lead," the WAD theme for 2023, seeks to emphasize the critical role that communities play in influencing the HIV response and global health. (NAN)